Letter: Volunteers Make Democracy Work

Letter: Volunteers Make Democracy Work

During my last canvassing on Nov. 5, I met a young female canvasser who truly exhibited outstanding determination in participating in the Get-Out-To-Vote effort of the Obama campaign. I spoke to Natalie Erdossy, and learned that Natalie brought her three very young children along during the canvassing, and that her husband was doing a second tour in Afghanistan with the State Department. She said that she was recruited by her neighbor Ellen Graves and she wanted to do her part. What I find so outstanding is that she was driven by a purpose greater that her immediate personal comfort. The late afternoon temperature was in the mid-40 degrees Fahrenheit, and she had just returned to the canvassing staging at Tom Snider house, just before sunset. What I find remarkable about her determination is that when I ask her how could you do this canvassing with these small children, she replied that she does everything with the kids, and this was very important to her. Natalie could have easily used her children as an excuse for not canvassing, but she didn't because she is driven by purpose greater than her immediate comfort. Her purpose is probably linked to what quality of education will be available for her children, withdrawing from Afghanistan so that her husband can return soon, and what type of health care will be available for her family.

I also want to reflect on my voter registration at the barber shops, beauty shops, Jimmy's Tavern. Over the last eight months, [I made] about 80 visits to the shops. Barbers and the beauticians were very supportive of the voter registration drive that I was conducting. They would frequently identify customers who recently moved into the area, and their customers would frequently thank me for being available to update their VA Voter Registration. Since I would show up at their shops every Saturday, we developed a good relationship of dependability. I want to extend a special appreciation to the following Barber/Beauty shops: Unique Reflection, Fade-UP and Sheldeez Beauty Salon. When a lot or ordinary people work toward a reasonable goal, extraordinary results can be accomplished. Thanks so much for your support.

C. Denver Lovett
