Reston News

Reston News


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Bridge Over Troubled Crosswalk

Wiehle Avenue and W&OD Trail Bridge to be operational this summer.

Bridge over troubled crosswalk

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In Tents Not by Choice, But Lack of Choices

Problems with data; police Encounters; shelter and housing.

People experiencing homelessness opt to sleep in areas ‘not designated for human habitation’ because of a lack of affordable housing, especially for those earning below 30 percent of the Area Median Income.

10 Ways to Take Climate Action

Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22, is a global event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. You can join the effort to protect our planet – and support a healthier and more resilient Fairfax County – by taking these 10 climate actions.

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Prepare Now for ‘Extremely Active Hurricane Season’

Researchers at Colorado State University are forecasting an extremely active 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, which starts June 1 and lasts until Nov. 30.

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Founder’s Day in Reston

Founder’s Day in Reston

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Recycling Solar Panels

The Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) launched a Solar Panel Recycling program.

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Historic Funding for Chesapeake Bay Restoration

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday that $206 million in funding will be allocated for projects aimed at continuing the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay.

Determining if Wildlife Needs Help

Spring brings a boom in baby wildlife. Fairfax County Animal Protection Police Officers and the Wildlife Management office receive many calls this time of year from residents who are seeking help for young wildlife that appear to be orphaned or abandoned.

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Land-Use Group Holds Supervisor’s Feet to the Fire

Committee and MWAA explain their opposition to Agape plan.

It’s one thing to deliberately misrepresent a group’s opinion about a project and another to use that opinion to help sway a vote.

$1 Billion in Refunds for Tax Year 2020 Unclaimed

Taxpayers face May 17 deadline.

The Internal Revenue Service says that almost 940,000 people across the nation have unclaimed refunds for tax year 2020 but face a May 17 deadline to submit their tax returns.

Arlington Doctor Who Illegally Flooded Region with Oxycodone Sentenced to 10 Years

An Arlington woman convicted of illegally prescribing and distributing over a million oxycodone pills was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

National Vietnam War Veterans Day Event

News Briefs

Car Seat Inspections on March 28

Parents may get their children’s car seats inspected on Thursday, March 28, from 5-8:30 p.m., outside the Sully District Police Station.

Affordable Housing For People with Serious Mental Illness

The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) plans to implement an increase in rental assistance to individuals with serious mental illness.